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The Ronn Guidi Foundation for Dance

The Ronn Guidi Foundation for Dance

The Foundation, under the direction of Ronn Guidi, endeavors to raise funds to support performances of early 20th century masterworks.

The Oakland Ballet Company Legacy Project is a collaboration between The Ronn Guidi Foundation for Dance, Oakland Ballet Company, and ChromaDiverse to preserve and protect the important works of this world-renowned dance company. “The impact of ChromaDiverse’s work will not only be to strengthen the organizations they work with, but to improve the public’s access to archival records of dance.”— Imogen Smith, Director of Archiving and Preservation, Dance/USA#savetheobclegacy #balletlife #oaklandballet #Ronnguidifoundation #archivesmatter #storiesmatter #thepastisalwayspresent #chromadiverse #livetheobclegacy #historymattersGo to donate and assist! ... See MoreSee Less
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